Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Announcing A New Forensic Psychology Series From New York University Press

New York University Press is expanding its publishing program in forensic psychology and psychology and crime. The following information is taken from the request for manuscript proposals.

Crime has dominated the public’s concern over the decades. Currently, criminal concerns are foremost in the news and in polls reflecting public attitudes. During the past decade, psychologists have devoted their professional and scholarly efforts toward ameliorating and studying various aspects of crime and criminals. Many advances have been made but have not been adequately communicated to important constituent groups. For example, both practitioners and policy-makers are not always aware of important advances that could better inform their decisions.

This series provides the academic, the professional, and the lay public with well-written scholarly overviews and discussions of the latest advances in theory, research, and practice in various areas of psychology and crime. Each author will provide a review of the status of the field and major developments to help readers in their understanding and decision-making.

The readership includes researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners in forensic psychology, the informed general public, and those concerned with the legal applications of the books’ topics. Suggestive of the topics we intend to support are:

  • Lie detection: state of the science and art

  • The psychology of coerced confessions

  • Police integrity: Keeping the thin blue line true blue

  • Identifying sexual predators

  • Treating sexual offenders

  • Race, ethnicity, and crime

  • The child’s knowledge of right and wrong

  • Predicting recidivism

  • Detecting the fledgling psychopath

  • Criminal profiling: The pros and cons

  • Understanding sentencing

  • Women and crime

  • To Submit Manuscript Proposals

    While the majority of books are anticipated to be single or dual-authored, we will also welcome promising edited volumes, provided that they have core course adoption potential or other significant selling points in the anthology format. Each volume shall review the theoretical and empirical state of the field as well as provide practical suggestions for practice, policy, and future research. The books will address substantive and important issues while employing accessible language and an engaging writing style.

    A proposal should be 5-10 pages in length and should include:

    A statement of the significance, need, and organization of the work

    Its intended readership(s), including particular disciplines, any likely course adoption into specific types of common classes, any likely audience(s) outside the academy or in the professional arena, and any relevant organizations / associations whose members may be interested in the work.

    A brief discussion of similar / competing works and how the proposed volume will distinguish itself

    An annotated chapter outline with 1-2 paragraphs describing what each chapter will discuss

    Sample chapters if available

    An indication of the time line for completion and the anticipated length. Typical manuscripts should be roughly 80,000-90,000 words in total.

    A current copy of the author's curriculum vitae.

    Please direct queries and submissions simultaneously to:

    Dr. Allen K. Hess
    Department of Psychology
    Auburn University at Montgomery
    Box 244023
    Montgomery, AL 36124-4023

    Jennifer Hammer
    New York University Press
    838 Broadway, 3rd Floor
    New York, NY 10003-4812

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