Friday, November 24, 2006

New Forensic Science Website & Other Work in Progress

I'm currently working on a number of projects for 2007. In response to the number of e-mails I recieve requesting information on studying forensic psychology, degree options, accreditation issues, career options and prospects, internships/work experience, expert testimony etc; I will be collabortaing on a book with Professor Christopher Cronin designed to provide the definitive student guide to forensic psychology both in the USA and the UK.

I will also be launching a new Forensic Science Website, the aim of which is to provide a comprehensive overview of all the major forensic disciplines, forensic pathology, forensic dentistry, criminalistics, etc. Each forensic science topic will be introduced by an expert in the field, along with links to quality resources, essential reading guides and degree listings etc.

And finally, if I can convince my other half that it would be a good idea to invest in a new digital camcorder, I would like to do a series of free forensic psychology video presentations. I'm still thinking about the precise format of the videos but they are likely to take the form of short lectures or forensic psychology video blogs.

If you would like to be kept up-to-date with the latest developments for 2007, forensic science website launch, free video tutorials etc, just leave your details and I'll let you know as soon as I have any news.

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